An edible gift guide for food lovers.

Just incase you have been living under a rock and hadn’t noticed the gold Ferrero rocher displays, oversize lindt balls and excessive amounts of singing dog’s wearing reindeer ears, it’s 47 sleeps till christmas. If you’re not up to date with my blog posts, you better subtract some numbers. Stressed yet?


I love christmas. You will find me singing to christmas carols in the supermarket. Except silver bells, just no. Mariah Carey’s All I want for christmas is you, Have yourself a merry little christmas by anyone really, and I may or may not have listened to a christmas remix on my way home last year.. ANYWAY moving on. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. So much excitement, love and happiness.

Now that I’m almost twenty-four, I’ve become more sentimental and some what wiser with gift time. Last year I received home made treats and I gave home made treats. Baking/rolling/blending/assembling such gifts and wrapping them beautifully give me much more satisfaction than walking around Chadstone for three hours looking for the perfect gift. So here are some great ideas for some handmade treats for your loved ones.

1. Homemade peanut butter. 

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All you need is peanuts and a food processor. I like to buy the roasted peanuts, but raw will also work. The high oil content of peanuts make it a speedy process to whip up your own PB. Within five minutes, the warm smell of peanut butter will fill the room. Just buy some nice jars from a discount store, some ribbon or rope, and voila, a nice jar of homemade PB.

2. Choc-mint balls.

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Choc-mint is one of the best combinations ever. I was given a bag of these delicious morsels last year and I may have acquired the recipe and tripled it. This is not the exact recipe but it’s similar and I assume it will be just as delicious. If you’re looking for a healthier option, I love these lemon & goji berry bites.

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3. Gingerbread cookies

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The decorating is the best part! Or you could even go the next step and assemble a ginger bread house. I made one once. I was so proud. They can be a little tricky to assemble if the icing isn’t perfect but you can make them look amazing (below if my first ever house – from 2011) and your loved ones will love it.


4. White chocolate bark.

White chocolate. Pistachios. Cranberries. Need I say more?

Basically, melt good quality white chocolate and let cool for a minute. Add cranberries, pistachios, toasted coconut, really whatever takes your fancy and mix. Pour on a baking tray lined with baking paper and refrigerate to let it set. Use a knife to break it up into pieces and store in the refrigerator!

And for a favourite of mine,

5. Homemade muesli.

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My love for making this stemmed from Teresa Cutter’s Granola recipe. The wafts of honey & cinnamon from the oven is divine and well, having control on the amount of nuts in your breakfast bowl is just the best.

This is my go to combination but I do like to mix it up.

2 cups rolled oats

1/2 cup raw buckwheat

1/4 cup quinoa

1 cup almonds, chopped

1 cup hazelnuts, chopped

1/2 cup pumpkin (pepita) &sunflower seeds

6 dried apricots

1/4 cup of cranberries

1/2 cup toasted coconut flakes.

2 tbsp honey

1 tsp cinnamon.

Place oats, buckwheat, quinoa, nuts and seeds, cinnamon in a bowl and drizzle with the melted honey. Mix and spread on a lined baking tray. Bake in an oven for approximately 1 hour at 120 degrees (fan forced) until lightly toasted. Remove from the oven and let cool. Then toss through the dried fruit & coconut. D I V I N E.

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Again, just buy some pretty jars and ribbon & your muesli loving friends will adore you.

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I do hope this helps you out this christmas.

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I would LOVE to hear your edible gift ideas.

Emma xo.

13 thoughts on “An edible gift guide for food lovers.

  1. I made some fresh PB this week as well! Great minds think alike.
    I think edible gifts are so much more thoughtful (and very much appreciated by health/fitness-y friends in the PT business!!)

  2. Great ideas – there’s something special about making food for others with love and intention. And like you said much more pleasurable than wandering around the shops. This year I’m intending to be organised with little hampers of homemade love. I’m thinking preserved lemons, dukkah, a spice mix or two, definitely chutney or caramelised onions perhaps a spiced hot chocolate blend and pear and vanilla jam because it’s a favourite. This list is getting a little ambitious. Muesli is a great idea – that recipes look delish!

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