My 2015: Your top 5.

As the sun sets on another year, we all look back on what has happened and look forward to what the new year brings.

I’ve had a wonderful year. It’s been fun, it’s been testing and I’ve eaten some really, really good food. I’ve gone from filling up my car twice a week, to like once a month. Weekends breakfasts in Melbourne are dwindling and I’ve swapped city life for 5 minute drives to work, country walks, and afternoon coffees with Mum & Grandma. I’ve also done a lot of online shopping, and only eaten gelato once since leaving Melbourne. And that was when I went back to Melbourne.

It’s been one hell of a rollercoaster and I’m so excited for 2016 to be finally here.

My blogs had a big year too, and I thought I would take this opportunity to revist the top 5 posts that you guys loved.

#5: 5 things not to say to a dietitian

In this post I touch on 5 common things that come with being a dietitian, 5 things that are far from the truth.

#4: 5 question everyone loves to ask a dietitian

The low down on eggs, butter-or-marg, bread, oils & those not-so new processed meat recommendations.

#3: 99 trials and tribulations of a graduate dietitian

I just really like numbers, and I still read this and laugh. It’s so sad, but hilarious. At least I can laugh at myself right?

#2: The problem with ‘clean eating’

I still put the term ‘clean eating’ in the cringe-worthy basket of wankery as superfoods, paleo brownies and fitspo.

And at number 1,

We all need to calm down: a Sunday rant on sugar and gluten and poison. 

By now you would know that I just really don’t like kale.

So, thank you. Thanks for popping by Broccoli and blueberries and reading my ramblings. Thanks for handling the terrible food puns and the alliteration. Thanks for commenting, liking, tweeting and sharing my posts. It really is nice.

Now for 2016, the year when food trend lists are predicting vegetables to be taking centre stage on the plate, the return of pulses and a rise in ice cream sandwiches.

What I would love to see in 2016 is people seeking information from the professionals and not worshiping the information from food marketers and our wellness worriers.

I would love to see a focus on health rather than weight.

I would love people to stop using labels and the terms clean eating, guilt free and ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

I would love people to stop dieting.

I would love people to choose foods they want and enjoy to eat, not foods they think they should be eating.

I would love people to just start eating more plants, and less processed food.

I guess I would just love to see the stuff I try to always write about and convey in my blogs.

Now you, in 2016, what would you like to read about on Broccoli and blueberries?

Wishing everyone a happy new year full of many fist pump moments.

Emma xo

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